Environmentally sustainable agriculture

In Era de Nava, we believe that sustainability is a key factor in order to get a pure EVOO. Only/Just olive oil. Just a natural, healthy product.
To achieve this, we care for our native environment, both the flora and the fauna. We grow ‘vegetation islands.’ These are parts of land where we grow aromatic plants, trees and shrubs, they grow freely and naturally, when our area was used solely for agriculture in the past.

An EVOO that respects the environment

Extracted from olives cultivated in an environment cared for and pampered to the maximum. The aim is to achieve the integration of the flora and fauna of the area in our cultivation. To this end we have introduced islands of vegetation on the farm with aromatic species, trees and shrubs native to the area in order to recover some of the biodiversity lost in the fields and agricultural soils of the area.

An EVOO free of toxins

In the whole process of production of the olives the use of chemical products of synthesis is avoided, from the treatment of the ground where only the grass is controlled by means of mechanical mowing without needing to use herbicides of any type, to the fertilization where we avoided the use of chemical fertilizers using exclusively fertilizers of organic origin: manure, humus, rest of pruning and vegetal covers, happening through the harvesting using an aluminum collector that avoids possible oxide traces and rest of paintings that can contribute materials like the iron or the steel.

An EVOO in the balance

Taking only our liquid gold from the farm is another of our goals. To do this, from the total number of kilos of olives harvested, we calculate the percentages corresponding to oil, stone and remains of pulp and skin. The oil is enjoyed, the stone is returned to the farm in the proportion corresponding to each plot and the rest is contributed to the crop with organic materials such as leaf remains from the cleaning of the oil mills.

Quality vs quantity

When looking for the best quality irrespective, this may simply be less quantity. But we are dedicated to achieving the best quality possible, irrespective of the quantity. A quality olive oil is also linked to good health, which is the best thing we can work towards.

In the field…

The olive tree is a tree genetically prepared for the conditions of hydric stress typical of the Mediterranean climate so it does not accept very well the excess of irrigation, being prone to develop pathologies produced by fungus of soil and root. So over watering in order to obtain a maximum production can seriously affect the health of the tree. Also the excess of irrigation in certain times, like in the weeks previous to the harvest, make the fruit incorporate more humidity and this can appease aromas and positive attributes like the itch and bitterness (indicators of a high content of oleocantal, a natural anti-inflammatory of characteristics similar to the ibuprofen) and the fruity ones. In the era of nava we only apply support irrigation in certain critical moments of the development of the fruit, always looking for quality.

At the mill…

The temperature at which the fruit arrives at the mill is very important since in the process of milling, beating and decanting the temperature of the paste into which the fruit is transformed is inexorably increased, causing many compounds that are more volatile to be lost, with the result that aromas and organoleptic characteristics are lost. In short, at a higher temperature and a longer time of beating, we obtain more oil but of lower quality. As our intention is to obtain an Olive Oil that does not lose any of the aromas and sensorial characteristics that we look for in the whole process, we watch the temperature a lot, harvesting in the morning when the days are hot and taking care of the time of beating in the oil mill, giving up a part of the oil in order to obtain the maximum quality.

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