A good olive oil is born in the field, from its land and its care depends its excellence
During this agricultural year our crop has had full care, supervision and dedication so that its fruits can reach the maximum quality.
Fertilization and phytosanitary applications
January 15, 2021
Application of sheep compost to the soil.
January 21, 2021
Application of non-mycorrhizal microorganisms in granulated form to the ground.
April 4, 2021
Foliar application with Potassium, Copper and Amino Acids, all certified for Organic Agriculture.
September 19, 2021
Application of poultry manure to the ground.
Agricultural works done
1st Quarter of the year
Pruning and crushing of remains with a tractor shredder.
2nd Quarter of the year
Mechanical mowing with a tractor’s brushcutter.
3rd Quarter of the year
Brushcutting and first delimbing with a manual brushcutter.
4th Quarter of the year
Debarking and crushing of sticks with tractor’s brushcutter.
How the weather marks the character of the olive oil
The agricultural year 20/21 of our EVOO had a rainfall of 387 mm, slightly below the average of the area, having in May an episode of rain that favored a high “cuaje” of flowers deriving in a high average production.
The absence of rain in summer and early autumn, caused some water stress in some plots, which made us choose other cooler and wetter areas of the farm to find a good balance between the “spicy and bitter”, getting an oil of superior characteristics with a high fruity and high content of polyphenols but keeping in balance qualities as important as the spiciness and bitterness (indicators of its high level of natural antioxidants).
As far as temperatures are concerned, the tonic continues to be the usual one in the context of global warming in which we find ourselves and which we try to mitigate with good soil management, covering it with remains of pruning and organic material that helps us to maintain the humidity of the soil for longer.
Meteorological factors that have forged our EVOO
Temperature and rainfall
Early harvest, optimal time
A key moment is the choice of the fruit to obtain the maximum fruitiness and the freshest aromas. The first week of October is very hot, with a maximum of 30 degrees at midday and a minimum of 18/20 degrees. There were two options, to wait for a possible drop in temperature in the following week or to do a night harvest to avoid the temperature exceeding 27 degrees in the process since from that thermal point compounds such as polyphenols (powerful natural antioxidants) that are responsible for fresh aromas of fresh fruit and freshly cut grass start to volatilize.
We chose to harvest at night and we believe that we were right since with such high temperatures the fruit would have advanced in its ripening a week later and even though it is an excellent oil it would have lost its power in fruity aromas.
Early Picual: 10/13/2021 and 10/14/2021
The temperature is crucial to preserve aromas and antioxidants.
Temperature Phases (Early Picual)
Chemical and organoleptic analysis (Early Picual)
0.16% oléico
TEST PANEL EEC methodology ANNEX XII 2568/91
Medium fruity 7.3
Median Majority Defect 0.0
Median Bitterness 4.9
Median Spicy 5.0
Organoleptic Classification: Extra Virgin
Applicable regulations: Regulation 2568/91 and subsequent amendments.
Olive oil of a green fruity and connotations to green leaf, green almond, tomato plant and fig tree.
Analysis and tasting panel made by: Jefe de Panel de Cata LABORATORIO JUAN ANTONIO TELLO, S.L. Pol. Ind. Los Olivares. C/ La Iruela, 8 23009 – Jaén Tfo. 953 28 11 16 Fax: 953 28 15 62