Finca La Nava
We are located in the south of Spain, in Andalusia, and more specifically, from a region filled with olive trees. The area, very close to Úbeda, is a World Heritage city, alongside the city of Baeza. The region is world renowned for its natural parks: Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. Alongside its cultural heritage, the area is world famous for its green gold: Olive oil from La Loma. Our plantation, La Nava, is dedicated to the growth of the olive tree as well as the production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Aceite de oliva Virgen Extra, also known as AOVE)
Our history
In 1975, our parents, who were the third generation of olive growers in a city near Jaén. They moved to Úbeda and got some land, where initially they grew grains. Some time later, little by little, they started planting olive trees, till eventually, the whole land was planted with olive trees and by 2015, they had stopped planting grains.
Our evolution
In 2019, we decided as a family, it was time for a new venture and began producing our own Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO). We chose a small part of our plantation based on its good orientation and early maturity of the fruits.
We wanted to give our consumers olive oil which has specific and unique characteristics. Our Ethos is organic, we avoid the use of chemicals in our trees and ground. We aim to sustain and protect the environment our olive trees grow in.

Our objective
The objective as farmers is to be able to offer directly to the consumer our juice, thus to conserve the character and own shades impregnated in our oil on the part of very particular methods of culture and care of the means.